Sunday, February 7, 2010

Sex Positive Art, Thursday, February 11, 7pm.

One of the new elements that Sex Positive Week 2010 has included is Sex Positive Art. It will be a casual display and discussion featuring local artists with work surrounding themes of gender, sexuality, and Sex Positivity.

The Sex Positive Art portion is coordinated in part by Jaguar Press (, and will feature work from Katie Reinman and Kelly Hamilton's Group Show, "Inflection Points," a multimedia show exploring the metaphysics of the human body and its various states of suspended communication. Kelly Hamilton is presenting a selection of provacative photos from a few series that she has been working on since the original Jaguar Press "Women by Women" photo project. Katie Reinman has taken the same concept of exposing the self through a physical medium and applied it to resin effervescing with definition and fine colors. The artists both utilize fabric as an interpretation of personal/public expression, an attempt to visualize the elusive barrier between full self-awareness and the public gaze.

The Art portion will also feature photography by Elizabeth Bicher, Mariana Velazquez, and Qallective (queer art collective). It will begin with a walk-around display of artwork followed by artist and attendee comments. The event will take place on Thursday, February 11, at 7pm in the Soroptimist House.


willy said...

Both artists use canvas as simple as an interpretation of personal and public expression, also an attempt to see the elusive barrier between himself fully aware of public and gauze. Then if you have faith you can achieve subtleties as science does with pills like generic viagra, You the artist must focus your mind for a good presentation of art ...

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