The event was fantastic! We got lots of coverage in local papers (see "Sex Positive Week in the news" on the right, below the schedule). The turn-out was great, and we received lots of great feedback! Many students said that they hope to see this event again next year. Our speakers were truly amazing!
Some student comments on Sex Positive Week:
"It's amazing. Do this more often."
"The speakers were great. Plan one next year."
"F.O.R.C.E. did a beautiful job putting this on!"
"It was extremely educational. Have something like this every year."
"I liked the awareness. Thank you!!!"
"I would love to see the sex positive week event extended to 5 days instead of just 3. I do wish there was something more to it, such as more workshops or forums, and educational booths. I'm definitely attending this event again next year! Good Job!"
"Let me just say thank you here and now to F.O.R.C.E. and all who were involved; thank you for telling the world it is OK to talk about sex." (Source)
Thanks so much to everyone who attended, helped us out, and spoke at our event!
Feminist Organization Reclaiming Consciousness and Equality
MONDAY, Oct. 6
11:00 Babeland
Sarah Tomchesson of Babeland started the day with a discussion on sex positivity and sex toys. Sarah was funny and knowledgeable about sexuality, and everyone in the room was comfortable and entertained. It was a great learning experience!

Some student comments about the Babeland presentation:
"Absolutely valuable in dispelling myths"
"fun and informative"
"The speaker was very comfortable talking about sex"
"excellent presentation!"
"I learned a lot!"
1:00 Panel Discussion
Next, we had a panel discussion called "What Does it Mean to be Sex Positive?" The discussion was moderated by Dr. Shira Tarrant. The speakers on the panel were Amy Lee, Siel Ju, Jillian Lauren, and Ashleigh Klein. The audience loved it! Many people asked some interesting questions in relation to sexuality and sex positivity.

Some student comments about the panel discussion:
"I liked the different array of topics that came up and that each speaker had a different background."
"I like that the importance of education was emphasized."
"I enjoyed that it was an open forum and a very comfortable atmosphere."
"I liked the honest and the panelists."
"I liked that it was an open discussion with the audience."
"Great panel. Open, frank, informative, and honest."
"Very eye-opening."
3:30pm "Beyond Vanilla" Screening + Q&A
We ended the day with a film screening of Beyond Vanilla ( The film is about BDSM/S&M. It deals with the "extreme" side of pleasure and pain. The audience was shocked, intruiged, and excited to learn about taboos that are normally swept under the rug in our society. After the film, Dr. Patti Britton answered questions from the audience (and there were quite a few!).

Some student comments about Beyond Vanilla:
"I liked that this film showed people as ordinary people and not as crazy sexual deviants."
"Very informative from different aspects."
"The film was interesting and eye-opening."
"The whole documentary was amazingly informative. I found the movie to be both entertaining, educational and very informative. A complete positive view on sex."
"I have never felt more plain in my life. This movie took my already open mind and blew it."
"Kind of awesome. I want to see more!"
3:00pm The Pleasure Chest
Kristen Tribby of The Pleasure Chest gave a hilarious, educational, and insightful look into the world of sex toys and the G spot. Students were also able to write out anonymous questions for Kristen to answer. Many people seemed interested in learning about anal sex, to which Kristen joked that she should have given an anal sex discussion instead.

Some student comments about the Pleasure Chest presentation:
"I liked that nothing was censored."
"I liked that they treated the issue like a regular subject, without taboo."
"I liked Kristen's energy and antecdotes."
"Fun toys & Kristen was great!"
"It was very informative."
"I liked that we were given details about the G spot."
"Funny, interesting, really great speaking/visuals."
6:00pm "Sex Positive" Screening
That night, we had a film screening of Sex Positive (official site). The film is eye-opening and interesting look at the life of Richard Berkowitz. Berkowitz is "a revolutionary gay S&M- hustler-turned-AIDS activist in the 1980s, whose incomparable contribution to the invention of safe sex has never been aptly credited." Marina Wood, co-chair of WSSA introduced the film.

ALL of the pictures from Monday and Tuesday of Sex Positive Week are can be viewed HERE!
Details on Wednesday's presentations to follow...